Package: lidR 4.2.0

Jean-Romain Roussel

lidR: Airborne LiDAR Data Manipulation and Visualization for Forestry Applications

Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) interface for data manipulation and visualization. Read/write 'las' and 'laz' files, computation of metrics in area based approach, point filtering, artificial point reduction, classification from geographic data, normalization, individual tree segmentation and other manipulations.

Authors:Jean-Romain Roussel [aut, cre, cph], David Auty [aut, ctb], Florian De Boissieu [ctb], Andrew Sánchez Meador [ctb], Bourdon Jean-François [ctb], Gatziolis Demetrios [ctb], Leon Steinmeier [ctb], Stanislaw Adaszewski [cph], Benoît St-Onge [cph]

lidR.pdf |lidR.html
lidR/json (API)

# Install 'lidR' in R:
install.packages('lidR', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Uses libs:
  • openblas– Optimized BLAS
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3
  • openmp– GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library




14.38 score 616 stars 8 packages 844 scripts 3.7k downloads 6 mentions 272 exports 49 dependencies

Last updated 27 days agofrom:0a09bcb898. Checks:1 OK, 10 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 06 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64NOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.5-mac-x86_64NOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.5-mac-aarch64NOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64NOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64NOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64NOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64NOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64NOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64NOTEFeb 06 2025



LAS formal class

Rendered fromlidR-LAS-class.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 06 2025.

Last update: 2023-01-01
Started: 2018-12-07

LAScatalog formal class

Rendered fromlidR-LAScatalog-class.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 06 2025.

Last update: 2021-11-18
Started: 2018-12-07

LAScatalog processing engine

Rendered fromlidR-LAScatalog-engine.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 06 2025.

Last update: 2023-12-20
Started: 2020-02-11

Speed-up the computations on a LAScatalog

Rendered fromlidR-computation-speed-LAScatalog.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 06 2025.

Last update: 2023-08-28
Started: 2018-12-07

Create a function that can process a LAScatalog

Rendered fromlidR-catalog-apply-examples.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 06 2025.

Last update: 2022-01-20
Started: 2018-12-07

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
lidR: airborne LiDAR for forestry applicationslidR-package lidR
Add attributes into a LAS objectadd_attribute add_lasattribute add_lasattribute_manual add_lasnir add_lasrgb remove_lasattribute
Metric derivation at different levels of regularizationaggregate cloud_metrics crown_metrics hexagon_metrics pixel_metrics plot_metrics polygon_metrics template_metrics voxel_metrics
Transform to a listas as.list.LASheader
LAScatalog processing enginecatalog_apply catalog_map catalog_sapply
Computes the polygon that encloses the pointscatalog_boundaries
Subset a LAScatalogcatalog_intersect catalog_select catalog_subset
Retile a LAScatalogcatalog_retile
Classify pointsclassify classify_ground classify_noise classify_poi
Clip points in regions of interestclip clip_circle clip_polygon clip_rectangle clip_roi clip_transect
Connected-Component Labelingconnected_components
Decimate a LAS objectdecimate_points
Deprecated functions in lidRdeprecated filter_surfacepoints filter_surfacepoints.LAS filter_surfacepoints.LAScatalog readALSLAS readALSLAScatalog readDAPLAS readDAPLAScatalog readTLSLAS readTLSLAScatalog readUAVLAS readUAVLAScatalog
Digital Surface Model Algorithmdsm_pitfree pitfree
Digital Surface Model Algorithmdsm_point2raster p2r
Digital Surface Model Algorithmdsmtin dsm_tin
Spatial Interpolation Algorithmdtm_idw knnidw
Spatial Interpolation Algorithmdtm_kriging kriging
Spatial Interpolation Algorithmdtm_tin tin
Functions for the LAScatalog processing engine not meant to be called directly by usersengine engine_apply engine_chunks engine_crop engine_merge engine_write
Get or set LAScatalog processing engine optionsengine_options opt_chunk_alignment opt_chunk_alignment<- opt_chunk_buffer opt_chunk_buffer<- opt_chunk_size opt_chunk_size<- opt_filter opt_filter<- opt_independent_files opt_independent_files<- opt_laz_compression opt_laz_compression<- opt_merge opt_merge<- opt_output_files opt_output_files<- opt_progress opt_progress<- opt_restart<- opt_select opt_select<- opt_stop_early opt_stop_early<- opt_wall_to_wall opt_wall_to_wall<-
Extract or Replace Parts of a LAS* Object$,LAS-method $,LAScatalog-method $,LASheader-method $<-,LAS-method $<-,LAScatalog-method $<-,LASheader-method Extract [,LAS,logical,ANY-method [,LAS,numeric,ANY-method [,LAS,sf,ANY-method [,LAS,sfc,ANY-method [,LAScatalog,ANY,ANY-method [,LAScatalog,logical,ANY-method [,LAScatalog,sf,ANY-method [,LAScatalog,sfc,ANY-method [[,LAS,ANY,missing-method [[,LAScatalog,ANY,missing-method [[,LASheader,ANY,missing-method [[<-,LAS,ANY,missing-method [[<-,LAScatalog,ANY,ANY-method [[<-,LASheader,character,missing-method
Filter points of interestfilters filter_duplicates filter_duplicates.LAS filter_duplicates.LAScatalog filter_first filter_firstlast filter_firstofmany filter_ground filter_last filter_nth filter_poi filter_single remove_ground remove_noise remove_water
Fits 2D Circles on a Point Cloudfit_circle
Ground Segmentation Algorithmcsf gnd_csf
Ground Segmentation Algorithmgnd_mcc mcc
Ground Segmentation Algorithmgnd_pmf pmf util_makeZhangParam
Convert full waveform data into a regular point cloudinterpret_waveform
A set of boolean tests on objectsis is.algorithm is.empty,LAS-method is.indexed is.overlapping is.parallelised
Individual Tree Detection Algorithmitd_lmf lmf
Individual Tree Detection Algorithmitd_manual manual
Individual Tree Segmentation Algorithmdalponte2016 its_dalponte2016
Individual Tree Segmentation Algorithmits_li2012 li2012
Individual Tree Segmentation Algorithmits_silva2016 silva2016
Individual Tree Segmentation Algorithmits_watershed watershed
Search Nearest Neighborsknn knnx
Computes the Distance to k-Nearest Neighborsknn_distance
Inspect a LAS objectlas_check
Compression of the point cloudlas_compression las_is_compressed las_size
LAS utilitiescount_not_quantized evlr header is.quantized las_quantize las_reoffset las_rescale las_update las_utilities payload phb quantize storable_coordinate_range vlr
An S4 class to represent a .las or .laz fileLAS LAS-class
An S4 class to represent a collection of .las or .laz filesLAScatalog-class
Create a 'LASheader' objectLASheader
An S4 class to represent the header of .las or .laz filesLASheader-class
LAScatalog driverslidR-LAScatalog-drivers
Parallel computation in lidRlidR-parallelism
Spatial indexindex index<- lidR-spatial-index sensor sensor<-
Individual tree detectionlocate_trees
Merge a point cloud with a source of spatial datamerge_spatial
Noise Segmentation Algorithmivf noise_ivf
Noise Segmentation Algorithmnoise_sor sor
Normalize point cloud-,LAS,ANY-method height_above_ground normalize normalize_height normalize_intensity unnormalize_height
Predefined non standard metricsentropy gap_fraction_profile LAD nstdmetrics rumple_index VCI
Older R Spatial Packagesas.spatial as.spatial.LAS as.spatial.LAScatalog delineate_crowns find_trees grid_canopy grid_density grid_metrics grid_terrain old_spatial_packages tree_metrics
Pits and spikes fillingpitfill_stonge2008
Plot a LAS* objectforest.colors height.colors pastel.colors plot plot,LAS,missing-method plot,LAScatalog,missing-method plot,LASheader,missing-method random.colors
Add a spatial object to a point cloud sceneadd_circle3d add_dtm3d add_flightlines3d add_treetops3d plot_3d plot_dtm3d
Plot voxelized LiDAR dataplot.lasmetrics3d
Plugin systemplugins plugin_decimate plugin_dsm plugin_dtm plugin_gnd plugin_itd plugin_its plugin_nintensity plugin_outliers plugin_shape plugin_snag plugin_track
Point-based metricspoint_eigenvalues point_metrics
Tools inherited from base R for LAS* objectsdensity density,LAS-method density,LAScatalog-method density,LASheader-method dim.LAS dim.LAScatalog names.LAS names.LASheader ncol.LAS npoints nrow.LAScatalog print.LAS print.LAScatalog print.lidRAlgorithm print.raster_template rbind.LAS summary.LAS summary.LAScatalog tools
Intensity normalization algorithmget_range range_correction
Rasterize a point cloudrasterize rasterize_canopy rasterize_density rasterize_terrain
Read .las or .laz filesreadALS readLAS readMSLAS readTLS
Create an object of class LAScatalogcatalog readALScatalog readLAScatalog readTLScatalog
Read a .las or .laz file headerreadLASheader
Retrieve individual pulses, flightlines or scanlinesretrieve_flightlines retrieve_pulses retrieve_scanlines
Point Cloud Decimation Algorithmhomogenize sample_homogenize
Point Cloud Decimation Algorithmhighest lowest sample_maxima
Point Cloud Decimation Algorithmbarycenter_per_voxel highest_attribute_per_voxel lowest_attribute_per_voxel random_per_voxel sample_per_voxel
Point Cloud Decimation Algorithmrandom sample_random
Segment a point cloudsegment segment_shapes segment_snags segment_trees
Set or get number of threads that lidR should useget_lidr_threads set_lidr_threads
Algorithms for shape detection of the local point neighbourhoodshape_detection shp_hline shp_hplane shp_line shp_plane shp_vline
Smooth a point cloudsmooth_height unsmooth_height
Snags Segmentation Algorithmsnag_wing2015 wing2015
Surface covered by a LAS* objectarea,LAS-method area,LAScatalog-method area,LASheader-method st_area st_area.LAS st_area.LAScatalog st_area.LASheader
Bounding box of a LAS* objectext,LAS-method ext,LAScatalog-method ext,LAScluster-method ext,LASheader-method st_bbox st_bbox.LAS st_bbox.LAScatalog st_bbox.LAScluster st_bbox.LASheader
Coordinates of a LAS* object in a matrix formst_coordinates st_coordinates.LAS st_coordinates.LAScatalog
Get or set the projection of a LAS* objectcrs,LAS-method crs,LAScatalog-method crs,LAScluster-method crs,LASheader-method crs<-,LAS-method crs<-,LAScatalog-method crs<-,LASheader-method epsg epsg,LAS-method epsg,LASheader-method epsg<- epsg<-,LAS-method epsg<-,LASheader-method projection projection<- st_crs st_crs.LAS st_crs.LAScatalog st_crs.LAScluster st_crs.LASheader st_crs<- st_crs<-.LAS st_crs<-.LAScatalog st_crs<-.LASheader wkt wkt,LAS-method wkt,LASheader-method wkt<- wkt<-,LAS-method wkt<-,LASheader-method
Concave and convex hulls for LAS objectsconcaveman st_concave_hull st_convex_hull.LAS st_hull
Transform or convert coordinates of LAS objectsst_transform st_transform.LAS
Predefined standard metrics functions.stdmetrics .stdmetrics_ctrl .stdmetrics_i .stdmetrics_pulse .stdmetrics_rn .stdmetrics_z .stdshapemetrics .stdtreemetrics stdmetrics stdmetrics_ctrl stdmetrics_i stdmetrics_pulse stdmetrics_rn stdmetrics_z stdshapemetrics stdtreemetrics
Reconstruct the trajectory of the LiDAR sensor using multiple returnstrack_sensor
Sensor tracking algorithmGatziolis2019 track_sensor_gatziolis2019
Sensor tracking algorithmRoussel2020 track_sensor_roussel2020
Voxelize a point cloudvoxelize_points
Write a .las or .laz filewriteLAS